IERN to host event at forthcoming COP 16 Biodiversity Conference
Key Details
Through the Integral Ecology Research Network, we are delighted to be hosting an event at the forthcoming COP 16 UN Biodiversity Conference, which will take place in Cali, Columbia from 21 October to 01 November 2024.
Both Integral Ecology, as spelled out in Laudato Si’, and the 2022 Global Biodiversity Framework converge around shared principles reflecting the vision of a sustainable and just world in which human well-being and ecological well-being are reciprocal. The particular theme of COP16, "Peace with Nature", provides an opportunity for further integration of these approaches.
Our event, Integral Ecology to Reverse Biodiversity Loss, aims to explore integral ecology approaches to biodiversity restoration. It will focus on:
- How academic researchers can work with faith-aligned groups and initiatives.
- Showcasing relevant experiences from the Americas, Europe, and South-East Asia, including local, indigenous, and endogenous technical insights.

The session will be solutions-oriented, with speakers discussing practical pathways to deal with challenges at all levels from global to local.
The event takes place on Wednesday 23 October 2024 at 10.10 local time. It is located in the ‘blue zone’ that is reserved for official delegations and events.
IERN is happy to partner in this event with Ecocitizen, a government-accredited private research institution based in Luxembourg, focused on Planetary Health, Climate & Nature Action, SDGs, and Integral Ecology.
Peter Rozic, SJ; Director, Integral Ecology Research Network (IERN), Campion Hall, University of Oxford
Virginia Antonioli; Food & Land Use Coalition, World Resources Institute, Brasil
Napan Thawornbanjob; Director, Institute of Buddhist Management for Happiness and Peace, Thailand
Andrea Bravo Diaz; Public Health Institute, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador – AUSJAL
Adriana González Villalobos; CEO, EcoCitizen, Lëtzebuerg. Former UNFCCC Negotiator
Anitalia Pijachi, Indigenous leader of Okaina Witoto people, Amazônia
Vivi Sirporn Sriaram, Researcher and Director of the 30x30 Coalition for Nature, Thailand
For the official COP 16 event hosting, see here.