The Laudato Si’ Research Institute carries out cutting-edge multidisciplinary research for societal transformation on the most pressing ecological and social issues of our day. To do so, we use the integral ecology paradigm.
But what is the integral ecology paradigm? What are its key concepts? What are its practical implications? What are the processes of this integral ecological transformation that individuals and institutions have to undergo in order to respond to the cry of the earth and of the poor?
To answer the above questions, the LSRI has established three publication series:
- LSRI Briefing Notes are short papers which seek to clarify a key concept of the integral ecology paradigm, analyse a key issue within that paradigm, or explore some policy or practical implications of its analysis.
- LSRI Research Papers are longer reports addressing contemporary socio-ecological case-studies from a transdisciplinary perspective. These offer different angles of analysis and applications of the integral ecology paradigm in various geographical contexts, and with respect to different areas of policy and practice.
- LSRI Reports are substantial pieces of original academic research.
In addition to these series, you can find dialogues, books, articles and other publications. All are available for free. You may also wish to search to find specific content.
For publications from individual LSRI research staff, see here.
LSRI Reports

Theological Foundations for Agriculture: According to Laudato Si'
Theological Foundations for Agriculture: According to Laudato Si'

Faith-based participation in natural resource governance

Guidance on developing strategy for decarbonising Catholic diocesan building stocks