The Great Transition Guide: Principles for a Transformative Education
This book is an abridged version of Le Manuel de la Grande Transition: Former pour Transformer, published by LLL (Les Liens qui Libèrent) in October 2019. It was translated from French by Josie Dyster, and its references have been adapted for an English-speaking audience by Séverine Deneulin (LSRI) and Emeline Baudet (Campus de la Transition).
This book is intended to be a start-up resource for curriculum transformation towards the Great Transition. It is to be used as a kind of ‘ground zero’ for universities and programmes to adapt and build upon. The guide is composed of six chapters, called ‘gates’, which can be read in any order. Each reading path corresponds to a way of approaching the ecological transition, from identifying the scientific, factual or ethical issues, to guidance for concrete action.
The aim of the book is to present the intellectual and practical resources necessary to build a community of change-makers, both at individual and collective levels. It aims to lay the groundwork for a transformative education for each reader, to be supplemented by their own experience.
As the coming transitions will need to be holistic, the book has an interdisciplinary focus. It is designed as a concrete tool to build a foundation of knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for the ecological and social transition.