Adam Walton
Adam is from the United Kingdom. He has a long-term interest in education, often pursued in relation to his enthusiasm for theology and ethics. He worked in education materials translation in Uzbekistan and then as a religious studies teacher in Oxford. His academic research has explored teaching and learning about gender in a Catholic seminary in South Africa, in north Afghanistan, and, for his PhD, in a Turkish university.
He brings his explorations of the transformative potential of higher education and academia to LSRI’s vision of catalysing cutting-edge research and education in the field of integral ecology. He is working in particular on LSRI’s curation of a collection of open-access books on integral ecology.
He lives in Oxford with his wife and three young daughters and likes to find hills to walk or run up at any given opportunity.
PhD, Education and International Development, University College London, Institute of Education
MSc, Research for International Development, SOAS University of London
MA, Education and International Development, University College London, Institute of Education
PGCE (Secondary), Oxford Brookes University
BA, Theology, University of Oxford
Research Interests
Adam’s research has explored how teaching and learning in a range of higher education contexts influences students’ understandings and practices of gender and gender equality. He has considered these dynamics particularly in terms of their intersections with wider cultural, political, and religious divisions. At the LSRI, he is drawing on this interdisciplinary background in his research on global access to scholarly texts on integral ecology.
Selected Publications
Just men? Towards the education of men for gender justice in a context of religiously legitimised patriarchy: A South African case study’ (2013) International Journal of Educational Development 33(6): 604-611