Emilio Chuvieco
Key Details
Emilio is professor of Geography at the University of Alcalá, Spain. For most of his professional life, he has focused on environmental research, participating in many research projects and publications. In the last decade, he has started to analyse environmental motivations and attitudes, particularly on how large religions approach the environment. After 2013, he directed an Environmental Ethics chair at his university, where the group studied people’s motivations and habits towards the environment, particularly on how they deal with climate change and the impact of their daily habits on carbon footprint.
After the publication of the Laudato si encyclical letter from Pope Francis, Emilio has been active in presenting the connections of the Catholic doctrine and tradition to the environment in different institutions. He is also member of the integral ecological commission of the Madrid dioceses. Within these activities, he has become increasingly interested in providing a solid theological background to environmental care. In this framework, he applied for a DPhil programme at the Oxford’s Department of Theology, where he seeks to work on links between Creation Theology and the environment. Emilio’s doctorate is predominantly part-time, so he will only visit the University for short periods during the academic year.
Academic Profile
- Degree and PhD in Geography, Universidad Complutense Madrid (Spain).
- Professor of Geography and Director of the Environmental Ethics chair at the University of Alcalá, Spain.
- Director of the Master program in Geographic Information Technologies
- Leader of the "Environmental Remote Sensing Research Group".
- Visiting professor at the U.C. Berkeley and Santa Barbara, Cambridge, the University of Maryland and the Canadian Remote Sensing Center.
- Advisor of 38 PhD dissertations.
- Principal investigator of 33 research projects and 23 contracts.
- Author of 33 books and 388 scientific papers and book chapters, 193 of those papers are indexed in the Web of Science,
- Former president of the Spanish Remote Sensing Society and the Geographic Information Technologies group of the Association of Spanish Geographers.
- Corresponding member of the Spanish Academy of Sciences since 2004.
- Science leader of the Fire Disturbance ECV within the European Space Agency’s Climate Change Initiative Program.
- Co-editor in Chief of Remote Sensing of Environment from 2015 to March 2020.
- Scopus
- https://geogra.uah.es/emilio-chuvieco (in Spanish)
Selected Publications
Chuvieco, E. (2020). Fundamentals of Satellite Remote Sensing: An Environmental Approach. 3rd Ed. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press.
Chuvieco, E., Aguado, I., Salas, J., García, M., Yebra, M., & Oliva, P. (2020). Satellite Remote Sensing Contributions to Wildland Fire Science and Management. Current Forestry Reports, doi: 10.1007/s40725-40020-00116-40725.