Matthew Arran
Key Details
Matthew Arran is a Research Associate at the LSRI, with a background in mathematics and a keen interest in applying it to our interactions with the natural world. Following doctoral work on sand dunes, in Cambridge, and research into landslide seismology, in Paris, he started his current project, on the potential economic impacts of a landslide-induced tsunami, in collaboration with Georgetown University’s Environmental Justice Program and the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris. When not at work, he can often be found fixing bicycles, walking in the hills, or finding lakes in which to swim. He’s always happy to talk about sand!
Research Interests
Matthew uses simple mathematical models, laboratory experiments, numerical simulations, and fieldwork to investigate geophysical phenomena and their implications for society. He’s interested in granular flows, seismology, and macroeconomic modelling, and in the transfer of ideas between different disciplines.
MMath and PhD Applied Mathematics, St. Catharine’s College, University of Cambridge
Selected Publications
Laboratory landquakes: Insights from experiments into the high-frequency seismic signal generated by geophysical granular flows. Arran, M. I., Mangeney, A., de Rosny, J., Farin, M., Toussaint, R., & Roche, O., Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2021.
Seismic ground roll absorption and reemission by sand dunes. Arran, M. I., Vriend, N. M., & Muyzert, E., Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2018.
Intermittency between avalanche regimes on grain piles. Arran, M. I., & Vriend, N. M., Physical Review E, 2018.