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Briefing Note | 26th June 2024

Hope and Integral Ecology: Some Insights from Theology and Communities in the Brazilian Amazon

Séverine Deneulin Celia Deane-Drummond Luiz Felipe Lacerda | Eco-thelogy, Natural Resources, Social Justice, Values, Integral Ecology, Land, Theology, Water | Latin America


This Briefing Note examines the virtue of hope in the context of contemporary socio-ecological challenges. It highlights some insights from two sources: theological understandings of hope, particularly in the works of Aquinas, Moltmann and Rahner; and the embodiment of hope in the actions of local communities in a specific case of social and ecological destruction in the Brazilian Amazon. It concludes by drawing some implications of the virtue of hope for academic research on integral ecology.

Find out more discovering LSRI's Related Research Project:

Faith Based Participation in Natural Resource Governance

Report Faith Communities Defending Life and Territories

This research project has been conducted in partnership with the Faith & Sustainability Initiative of the World Resource Institute from November 2022 to April 2024. The research findings are published in the form of a report which includes recommendations for specific future capacity building and local interventions. The report was launched worldwide on the 26th of June 2024. Find out more details about the project here.

This project has been made possible thanks to a grant from the Natural Resources and Climate Change Program of the Ford Foundation. We are grateful for the comprehensive support across the project's diverse stages. 


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